Visium™ in Commercial Office Spaces.
Visium™ provides the ideal solution for continuous, automated air and surface sanitization in commercial buildings.
Visium™ Technology
UVC Sanitization.
Business owners are negatively impacted by chronic absenteeism. In fact, according to the CDC, absenteeism costs businesses $225.8 billion annually in the United States, or $1,685 per employee. Providing employees with a safe indoor environment is a critical way to help curb the cost associated with employee absenteeism. Business owners and facility managers have scrambled to upgrade their HVAC facilities, incorporate chemical cleaning, and increase manual cleaning in order to improve indoor health. Despite these proactive measures, the optimal outcomes have yet to be fully realized.
Lit Thinking’s™ sanitization technology offers continuous sanitization while employees are working, minimizing downtime and improving air cleanliness dramatically.
Use Cases.
Work With
Peace of Mind.
Unhealthy indoor air environments impact everyone. Investing in indoor health is investing in our students, our employees, and our communities. Government, educational institutions, healthcare, businesses, and building owners now recognize the critical importance of indoor air quality. While upgrades to the HVAC systems may help, additional measures, such as adding Far-UVC solutions, may be required to improve our indoor air environment.
Lit Thinking’s™ utilization of human-safe Far-UVC is the perfect investment. Research shows dramatic improvements in the sanitization of buildings with insufficient ventilation and high traffic areas when Far-UVC is deployed.
The Importance Of
Air Changes.
Air changes per hour (or ACH) is how many times the volume of air in a room is replaced through ventilation per hour. This is a common way to determine how healthy a room is or how clean the air is within an enclosed space. Homes typically have 1-2 ACH, commercial offices 2-3 ACH, schools 5-6 ACH, and hospitals requiring 6-20 ACH.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recently updated the Standard 62.1 (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality) in 2022, which focuses on ventilation rates in terms of cubic feet per minute (CFM) per person rather than Air Changes per Hour (ACH).
Both the CDC and EPA support these enhanced recommendations from ASHRAE, recognizing the necessity for improved ventilation strategies to foster safer and healthier indoor environments, surpassing what was previously deemed as merely acceptable.
Modern Cleaning Methods without Far-UVC
Effective use of air changes removes particles from the air and replaces it with clean air so that only a fraction remains after an hour. For example, if a person sneezes in a room that uses 5 ACH before leaving and shutting the door behind them, in 5 minutes 66% of their sneeze will remain; in 30 minutes 8.2% of their sneeze will remain; in an hour 0.66% of their sneeze will remain.
In areas of insufficient ventilation, not enough air is changed to effectively remove airborne contaminants and pathogens. Additionally, in high traffic areas, infectious particles are constantly being introduced into the air. In these instances, adding filtration, or UV lights increases air cleaning rates. Because these methods do not necessarily change the flow of air into the room, the cleaning efficiency of these methods are often quantified using equivalent air changes per hour (eACH).
The addition of Lit Thinking’s™ Far-UVC sanitization solution can provide over 184 eACH, sanitizing even the most populated rooms or least ventilated rooms.
The addition of a Far-UVC sanitization solution can provide up to 184 eACH in a full-size room.
(Eadie et al, 2022)
A New Way to Clean.
Clean Air at Light Speed.
Visium™ uses 222nm Far-UVC technology to sanitize your buildings continuously while the Lit Thinking™ app provides you with real-time updates on the sanitization and IAQ status of individual rooms where Visium™ technology is deployed.